Wednesday, August 31, 2022

lost souls


Two different remixes of story driven Studio Artist processed CLIP guided direct RGB generative image synthesis animation.

the Show


Two different renders of a story driven Studio Artist processed CLIP guided direct RGB generative image synthesis animation.  The first is the 'live concert documentary' remix, the second is the 'rock and roll attitude' remix.

Different MSG Animation Approaches


Straight MSG keyframe animation.  Complete with abrupt visual changes when integer parameters change in the internal setup of the associated MSG processors in the keyframing effect.  You can create smooth MSG animation but you need to design the MSG effect appropriately.

You can render the keyframed MSG to the Source and then paint it in instead.  This can smooth it out but in this instance the discontinuities still introduce flashing into the animation.

A different approach is to use moving time particles to paint in the keyframing MSG source.  This allows you to create abstract animations that are based on the keyframing MSG effect but lose all of the associated visual discontinuities.
I'm painting circles between neighboring closest time particles above, and painting grown paths tied to the individual moving time particles below.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

lost thoughts




color wash




Story driven CLIP guided direct RGB generative image synthesis with additional processing in Studio Artist.  Same text prompt above and below, but below is 2X render.

Switched back to 1X and changed the style for this run and the second below.

Monday, August 29, 2022



EBM digital paint time particles.  I'm using the new EBM minimizer feature in the Gradient Generator brush load control panel of the paint synthesizer.

SOMA Walk - sleek urban EBM paint remix


Above is from the 'SOMA Walk' storyline CLIP guided direct RGB generative image synthesis animation processed as a tight vector EBM paint animation.  Below is the exact same EBM PASeq run on a normal movie file for comparison.

stark intensity sketch


This is a 2X (2560x1440) story guided CLIP guided direct RGB generative image synthesis animation derived from the SOMA Walk story line (used in previous posts for comparison) that is then post processed in Studio Artist.  The 2X runs don't seem to track the story line properly and often times crap out early, need to figure that out.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

flat vector rough-in


EBM painting of CLIP guided direct RGB generative image synthesis animation.  Same PASeq below used on a normal movie.

spiral patterning - pop art remix


high noon


Experimenting with story driven Studio Artist processed CLIP guided direct RGB generative image synthesis animation.

kihei beach sunset


Experimenting with story driven Studio Artist processed CLIP guided direct RGB generative image synthesis animation.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

the lighted promenade


kihei beach sunrise


SOMA Walk - cyperpunk remix


Taking a walk through San Francisco south of market (SOMA) with CLIP guided direct RGB generative image synthesis.

SOMA Walk - italian futurist remix


Taking a walk through San Francisco south of market (SOMA) with CLIP guided direct RGB generative image synthesis.

hard rain -ukiyo-e woodcut mix


Working through different approaches to Studio Artist processed CLIP guided direct RGB generative image synthesis.

Friday, August 26, 2022



Working through different approaches to Studio Artist process CLIP guided RGB generative image synthesis.

region draw pen mode TSP fill patterns


Using the TSP (traveling salesman problem) region fill pen mode space filling pattern option for this EBM (energy based model) vector paint effect.

hard rain


Working on some different approaches for Studio Artist processing of CLIP guided RGB generative synthesis animation.

region draw pen mode fill patterns


Continuing the exploration of different geometric fill pattern options for building EBM paint animation.



Working on some different approaches for Studio Artist processing of CLIP guided RGB generative synthesis animation.

space fill patterns 2


lahaina harbor view


Thursday, August 25, 2022

maui surfer 2


Working on some different approaches for Studio Artist processing of CLIP guided RGB generative animation.

maui surfer


CLIP guided RGB synthesis.  Ran it through the EBM space fill pattern PASeq for this last image.

space fill patterns


Continuation of the flat tone patterns experiment using space filling curves rather than the background texture region fill used in that post.  The space filling curve pattern actually emulates something i saw in a real woodcut print from the 1800s (look at the first frame to see the base patterning).

color woodcut experiments




paia beach park


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

flat tone patterns


I got inspired by the woodcut experiments and decided to try and put together a paint synthesizer approach for flat tone pattern fills using the paint synthesizer background texture.  These are all still images from paint animation runs.