Friday, December 21, 2018

GalleryShow MSG Mutation

An alternative to generating mutated MSG presets is to use Studio Artist's Gallery Show features. As opposed to working in the MSG Evolution Editor and the MSG Advanced Editor.

I generated the above image and associated new MSG preset automatically, by first selecting a MSG preset category in the Preset Browser i wanted to work off of, and then using the Mutate Cur Factory gallery show Technique option. This Technique option randomly selects one of the current factory presets in the current category displayed in the Preset Browser, and then mutates it to create a new MSG preset for each gallery show display cycle.

By mutation, i mean that the individual parameters in each processor inside of a MSG preset are randomly varied, but the processor order and types of processors are not changed. This is a great way to create new generative imagery (and associated new presets) automatically while still maintaining the characteristics of the original preset.

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