Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Vector EBM Shadow Support


Added a new vector EBM option to support vector shadow effects. So you can currently choose no EBM minimizer, nib only EBM minimizer, and nib and shadow EBM minimizer (like the example shown above).  

To make the effect more obvious let's look at the EBM nib only option below.
You can see you get black shadowing in all kinds of places if you don't take it into account.  If you look at the previous post you can see a more subtle example of the shadow artifacts in vector EBM nib bezier region paint when you don't take the shadow extension into account that works in an interesting way in the overall effect.  So we let the user decide how they want it to work rather than forcing you into the full EBM everything option.

I'm using one vector EBM auto paint action step for this paint animation with the EBM nib + shadow model turned on.

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