Wednesday, July 6, 2022




Anonymous said...

Sa has some abilities to make Art by text, Would you please regenerate something like this:

Synthetik said...

You could definitely make text images like your link example in Studio Artist. Dial in the kind of structure you want for the paint paths (which seems pretty loose in the example you pointed at), then do the painting with a text brush that follows the paths.
I'll pass the example on to our factory preset people for the next release as an example of something people are interested in.

Synthetik said...

I didn't scroll down on the link page before that first reply. I like the 'back of the hand' one quite a bit.

It would be fun to set something like this up where you work with the bezier path frame and then use something like EBM to recursively balance out the spacing of the text paths. I'll try to spend some time on that at some point.