Monday, March 16, 2020

My Plague Year, a3

More auto-mutating temporal image operation effects being run on a curated folder of coronavirus theme images. As my plague year continues.

Like any auto-generative mutation process, you want to let it run over and over again. Images you feel are keepers you grab and save. So don't assume everything you will generate is a desired outcome. You need to use your  individual artistic and aesthetic desires to guide which images you store away to continue working on after you are done auto-mutating in Gallery Show.

At that point, if one of my 'keepers' takes my fancy, i then start working more interactively with it.
So in this piece, i obviously was working with the Interactive Warp effects to get to where i wanted to end up.

And i use a lot of different custom finisher PASeqs that i built for my personal artwork. For this piece, i was working with individual action steps in different PASeqs. As opposed to just running the entire thing.

So remember, you can use a PASeq like a Favorites memory. Each individual PASeq preset can be thought of as a container for a series of different presets stored within it. People forget this (including me), but it's so powerful.

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