Sunday, April 19, 2020

Beach Exercise Ban

Governor essentially closed down all beaches in Hawaii except if you are traveling to get in the water or to get out of the water.  Here we see someone i know (i think, still waiting for confirmation on that) being greeted by the police as she pulls her kayak out of the water.

I'm still experimenting with a new Geodesic idea for generating paint effects in this image. Working from the skeleton core of the objects in the image and then expanding out. I figured out a cool iterative approach to generating the fill structure.

It would be amazing if we could provide a generic way to do it in Studio Artist as a single effect that runs 2 different ip op effects in multiple cycles to run the iterative algorithm. Yes please says the V6 feature list.

The other thing that needs to be integrated into this is an additional displacement mapping off of procedural noise to add micro-textures to the geodesic fill spread.  That and maybe try orientation modulated Chamfers (it's there in MSG to experiment with if you are curious).

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