Friday, May 14, 2021

SVG in an Image Folder Brush


Some quick experiments using SVG files instead of images in an image folder brush in Studio Artist V5.5.

So i think coming up with a good set of different basic designs for the elements would be very useful. Sets of SVG elements that work well together in different paint scenarios for building up an overall design.

Puzzle pieces that work together for building ornamental designs by being laid down along a line in different symmetry configurations would also be great. 

Figuring out what works and doesn't work for this is going to be an iterative process.  You can see that that you would like the stems to star in the center rather than the bottom when used like they are along a line above.  And you would want the sizing to be more consistent so you can lay them out with a fixed spacing and have them line up with each other properly.  Geometric elements that work well together would also be cool.

How you deal with the notion of alpha for the brush is also an interesting question. Because i'm working with the svg elements as image brushes above, i'm using the solid 255 white background as the matte (255 doesn't draw).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sent the files separately, but haven't you worked with fonts before? Should working with SVG be more complex than fonts?