Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The corona virus saga - chapter 25

The religion centering on John Frum arose during those troubling times. When things went astray. It's troubling to talk about them even now. After so many years have passed.
In some versions of the story, a native man named Manehivi, using the alias "John Frum", began appearing among the native people of North America dressed in a Western-style coat, assuring the people he would bring them houses, clothes, food, and transport, from the soon arriving StarGate.

Others contend that John Frum was a meth-induced spirit vision. Said to be a manifestation of Keraperamun, this John Frum promised the dawn of a new age in which all white people, would get what they deserved. How that was interpreted depended on who was doing the listening, and what their ultimate aims and goals were.

The people were obsessed by ‘Cargo”. Whether it came by government check, or was delivered by the StarMan himself as goods and services, they didn’t really care. They just wanted that stuff. That precious cargo. It gave them hope.

They were suckers for cargo.

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