Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The corona virus saga - chapter 26

Of course what everyone still failed to even notice was that a second package left that interstellar wanderer C/2019 Q4 at the same time the first one did. 
Fired from a second rail gun.  Positioned in a different place on it's surface. Different from that first rail gun. You know, the one we all missed the first time.  Because we were way too busy with other very important things to even care when it fired that first package. Fired it off into space.  Headed somewhere.  Somewhere close.

That second package. It fired at a very different trajectory.  Different from that first package who seemed to be in such an urgent hurry to get some where specific very, very quickly. 

This second package had a much different agenda. Slow jam. It was on the grand tour.  A sabbatical vacation. Taking it’s sweet sweet time. Time to waste, time to contemplate, time to burn. 

Before it’s eventual land fall. And it was going to fall. Very close.  Very close indeed.

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