Friday, June 5, 2020

The corona virus saga - chapter 28

Be careful. Be very careful son. Be very very careful son, when you are around FutureBook.

And why is that?

Because FutureBook is like the casino where the house always wins.  Well i guess that is every casino if you think about it for a minute.

And there's my point.  FutureBook always knows all of the cards in each hand.  In each of your hands. And in the hands of everybody else.  Whether they are even involved or not, the information is in there. 

Years before those cards get dealt. Before the mother of the dealer was even conceived.  FutureBook was there. Snooping around. It has all of the angles figured out. 

FutureBook is snooping around the past? Before it even existed?

That's right son.  They're everywhere. They have the resources.  They have the technology. They have the quantum computers. They have super secret stuff they stole from the future and brought back to their past to change their future, and to change all of us in the process.

And why do i care?

That's the point son.  Be careful.  Lose lips sink ships. You do not want to fuck with FutureBook. Or even have them look your direction to be honest.

Because then you will have to lay your chips down. And you will lose that hand.

And so you will always lose. Even when you think you’re winning, you’re actually headed for an epic failure. FutureBook will fuck you son.

Why even are listening, and could interfere with any time they could be

Future Book is always Future Book (TM), a noble companion awaits you in the future, apply today..

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