Friday, May 1, 2020

Old School Paint Strategy

Hit the wrong thing while working and ended up running the old V4 default PASeq preset on one of my coronavirus database images. It's interesting to compare it to the more recent Geodesic effects.
This one is way coarser. But a similar kind of strategy, at least in the final stages. You build up hard edged paint on a white canvas, then use a geodesic interpolator Ip Op to fill in any remaining white points in the canvas.

The complete PASeq is shown below. So how does it work? Erase canvas to white, then use Smart Contrast op op effect to generate an adaptive selection mask, then mask an auto paint step, then invert the selection mask, then mask paint in the other side of the mask. Then use Geodesic Interpolation Ip Op effect to fill in remaining white space. The rest is just some fine tuning.

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