Saturday, May 30, 2020

The corona virus saga - chapter 22

"Not only do i take poison everyday, but i find this scientific report that talks about the malicious effects of poison on the human body to be a political slam job."

He was really on a rampage this morning.  Starting at 3am.  From some government bathroom.

The twits continued to twit out onto the inter-web throughout the day.

The words were many and frequently mis-spelled.  But that was because the dictionary got the spellings wrong.  Why do they never get it right?  Why can't they just listen to him?

But the words did kind of coalesce into a fabric of meaning. Things to think about. In your busy day.  Kind of like this.

These people are filthy scum of the earth.
Who would profit at your expense.
To lead you astray.
To lead you away from the StarGate.

And all of it’s cargo. Such cargo. Such precious cargo.

Beautiful, glorious cargo.  So wondrous to behold. So amazing to gaze upon. With coveting eyes.
It awaits us all at the end of the rainbow.
It gives us hope.

It awaits us at the StarGate.

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