Sunday, May 10, 2020

The coronavirus saga - chapter 2

Two years later, a second visitor named C/2019 Q4 arrived from outside of our solar system. Perhaps from some other place in our galaxy. Or beyond.

And it's fascinating because no one had bothered to visit in at least hundreds of years. Maybe never. And now exactly 2 years later after our first strange visitor, a second one arrived.

And usually in situations like this you want to resort to the application of Occam's Razor.  The simplest explanation is the best. The statistics just work out.

And when you apply this guiding principal to recent events in our solar system, why there's nothing to worryabo....

Oh fuck.  William of Ockham and his law of parsimony applied to recent events speaks plain and simple. These 2 events are definitely related in some way.


What does it all mean?

Unfortunately, no one (at least on earth) bothered to do anything about it. More important matters pulled their thought processes elsewhere. To popular memes, like 'Cranky Cat' and 'Evil Kermit' and 'Rump signs executive order'.

But something important had happened. Something no one paid any attention to.

We only figured it out many years later, after the events this saga chronicles, when we used Quantum Lensing to image the past and do some serious detective work.

Something was happening.

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