Saturday, May 9, 2020

The coronavirus saga - chapter 1

This series of posts are screen captures of a telling of our current era written in the future.  If you don't understand how that could possibly work you really need to rush out and read a copy of William Gibson's novel 'The Peripheral'

Let the story begin.

In 2017 an entity from interstellar space named Oumuamua entered our solar system. A visitor from some other part of the galaxy, other part of the universe, a probe sent into our running simulation, who knows.

The mysterious visitor quickly passed through the solar system and then sped away. Sped being the thing to really focus on, because it sped up as it was leaving.

Interesting. That's what space ships do.

No, no, astronomers said. It's just acting like a comet, and some reaction on the surface is spitting out particles, hence generating and powering it's acceleration.

Interesting. That's what space ships do.

Anyway, people quickly lost interest in perhaps the major scientific discovery of the century, moving on to more important topics such as 'crooked hillary' and 'lock her up' and 'let's be mean to trans-sexuals' and 'is kanye jesus'.

But we had been visited by some entity from somewhere else.

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