Sunday, May 24, 2020

The corona virus saga - chapter 16

To recap the story so far. Two men sit in an office. Fairly non-de-script. A government office.

“You know, i’ve been looking at the data, and it’s almost like these infected people want to infect other non-infected people. Like they statistically go out of their way to make that happen, even when the optimization algorithm fully supports them not pursuing that particular time-space pathway.”

"Time out Buddy. Don’t go all left wing liberal soft douchey on me. We have a job to do here. Stick to the task at hand."

“Now Earl, you don’t find it a bit funny that right after that inter-stellar comet asteroid thingy came blamming through here, right after that, all of this really weird shit started to happen?”

"Be a Man. Chin up. Stick to the task at hand. Stay the course. And any other over tasked cliche phrase we can think of. Just drop it in here. We have a mission."

“Yeah i suppose you are right. Hey, you got any weed?”

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