Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The coronavirus saga - chapter 19

Everyone seemed to be aware of Jon Frum. Of his existence. But no one could specifically speak to have met him in the flesh.

But everyone knew some one else. Who knew someone else. Who was sure they had met him. At some point. It just seemed reasonable.

Jon was the one who had told them about cargo. Of what awaited them. If they just held one. Stayed to the plan. Kept things on course.

Some thought that he was an interstellar gadfly. Off mission, maybe off his meds as well. Drifting around the cosmos, causing trouble, stirring things up

A fly in the ointment.

Here on earth. Now. For what reason. No one could say. Although the idle could speculate. And so they did.

And it all tied back to that comet. Or was it the second one. The inter-stellar thingy? I get confused.

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