Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The coronavirus saga - chapter 4

The thing that everyone failed to notice was the giant rail-gun attached to the outside surface of C/2019 Q4. Hanging there out-stretched as it approached the solar system.

Right before C/2019 Q4 entered our solar system, it fired a package off at extremely high speed from said attached rail-gun. Such was the force of the fired ejection that the entire surface of C/2019 Q4 was consumed in flame, changing it's outward appearance to be uniform and fuzzy from then on.

The ejected package then began what was going to be a very wild ride down into the solar system.  Our solar system. Taking advantage of every gravitational acceleration it could muster. To increase it's speed even more. As it hurtled to it's final appointed destination.

Outside of the city of Wuhan China a meteorite struck the night of REDACTED. There was a brief flash of light, and a slight seismic shudder. A few people glanced up a minute from their cell phones. But they quickly moved their attention back to other more pressing matters.  Like who does the best parody of Baby Shark.  Is it Pink Fong?

C/2019 Q4 continued it's dash across the solar system. Earthbound telescopes taking a gander at it before it hurtled itself off again into the unknown were struck by it's uniform fuzzy appearance. Indicating an ice body they speculated. And hence a comet.

QED. Quod Erat Demonstrandum.  They had taken latin in graduate school, and wanted everyone to know they took it.

They knew a lot of stuff.  And they knew a lot about comets.  Quite a bit in fact.  So they had it all figured out. Nothing to be concerned about here.

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