Thursday, May 14, 2020

The corona virus saga - chapter 6

He had been sick for a long time. Locked at home. One of the many forgotten ones. Lost and alone.
For a long time it seemed like the end. Difficulty breathing. Night sweats. Shakes and chills. Bad fever. Things reached a disturbing intensity and he was afraid that the end was truly upon him.

But then things changed. He started to feel better. Not only physically better. But also calmer. He was no longer afraid. He had a clarity of vision. His life was going to be different. 

It seemed like it now had a purpose. He got out of bed, slowly walked to the door of his apartment, opened it, and looked out into the new dawn. He had a vision. He needed to let people know. 

We needed to get people out of quarantine right away.  We needed everyone together in close contact. Everyone needed to be exposed to the virus. So we would all have clarity of vision.  Like he did. 

We all had to band together to build the star gate.

He left his apartment and wandered out into the light. 

He had things he needed to do.

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