Friday, May 15, 2020

The corona virus saga -chapter 7

The Senate committee meeting was in full swing. Everyone was agitated. People wanted answers.

But it wasn't a normal meeting. Everyone was attending via video feed.

Everyone except one group of angry individuals. Who insisted on being there in person. Standing close. Standing together.

'Standing close'?  Like way too close. Why.....

Their leader, senator Pand Raul, addressed the visiting expert giving testimony to the committee.  That visiting expert being corona-virus task force member Dr Fauci. Of renowned appreciation. To all. Of the entire nation. Or what was left of it.

A renowned expert who was also 'no less' attending via video feed from a remote quarantine location. 
Location is as follows: REDACTED
For his own safety.

"Dr Fauci, i don't understand why you won't join us. Why won't you gather together with your brothers in arms.  Join us as one. We all need to be close to each other to make this happen. Very close indeed.

Why won't you help us build the StarGate?"

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