Monday, June 29, 2020

The coronavirus saga - chapter 52

Everyone gathers. In silence. In communion.  They are all watching live television together.  On every channel.  In every country.  Even Futurebook is watching the live stream.  It's very interested in what's going to happen.

Everyone gathers around the tv to watch the 'Coming Together'.  A once in a lifetime historical event.  Happening now before their very eyes.  Live streamed on television everywhere.
'A Coming Together', soon to be reenacted as a tear-jerk docudrama on the Hallmark channel.
The big event. A seriously big kahuna if there ever was one. The 'Coming Together'. The coast to coast march of ranting, hoped up, and over enthusiastic marching and looting and burning. Star people, all bunching up and colliding into one another in the middle of the country.
As was anticipated. 

Some thought there might even be some vomiting.  That might be taking place.

And all of the marchers felt a tremendous push of black bile building up inside of them, building to an intensity they had never experienced before, not even during the Friday Night Block Parties they had all attended before embarking on the coast to coast march to free Jon Frum, burn off some steam, and stay busy while maintaining a slim physique.

Everyone started at the coasts and now they all were coming together in the center.  In the heartlands.  In the very center.  Like a giant mosh pit.  Everybody banging heads and bodies. Breathing in each other's breath. Watching the glistening sweat hanging in the air enter their mouths and nostrils.

Yes, it was a big event.

Howie Mandel was hosting the live coverage.  Remotely of course via Zoom, it was important to stay away from germs. He has a thing you know.
He promised that Jon Frum would make a special appearance, a very special conversation by Zoom conferencing from ‘Heaven’, the name of the hotel in the secure undisclosed location he was staying at.

The president was also watching the live coverage along with everyone else in his underground bunker at Mount Weather in Berryville, Virginia.  Watching it on his RCA Vista Color walnut wood console color television set (it came with the underground bunker), cheeseburger in hand, diet coke by his side, hugging his blanky, his favorite Blinky blanky in the whole world…
He was so happy.

Meanwhile, no one noticed that a small orbital package was sailing in for a landing. The second one.  You know, the second one launched from that asteroid, or comet, or what not.  The interstellar thingy. The one we forgot about. After we forgot about the first one. We were just too busy. With important stuff. Very important stuff. Like Gabby Cat memes, she’s so cute, what adorable thing is she up to next.

In China, girls in school uniforms sang “Wuhan Jiayou”—or “Stay Strong Wuhan” as they cloud clubbed, including a special performance on the top rated reality television show 'Home Karaoke Station'. 
Later that night they looked for love on WeChat.

In the general Wuhan vicinity, a man climbed an embankment, climbed out of a ditch and onto the road.  Glasses a-screw.  Hair sticking out at all angles.  Like he had been shot out of a cannon.  Or rode in on a burning asteroid.

He climbed the steep embankment like a drunken soldier, headed towards the last open bar in town, red neon sign flashing and inviting him in.  He needed to get in. He needed that drink.

And eventually he made it to the top. And boy was he winded. I mean i got tired just watching it on the special display screen as we watched the past unfold before us.  It was gut-wrenching.  Especially when you knew what came next.  Like we did. Here in the future.

And what i was struck by was his singular determination. Like he was a tightly wound piece of code executing at top speed in an endless loop. Over and over again, computing some infinite sum of numbers, for what purpose, for what purpose indeed.

He hit the pavement and immediately started a brisk walk towards town. A man on a mission. You did not want to get in this guys way. He had things to do. In town. In Wuhan town. Preferably in the center. Like a food court, or an exotic animal meat market. The kind of place you take your hot date on a friday night. Someplace with a lot of people all packed together.  Where you can breath in their sweat. And they can breath in yours.

He had business there.  He had to get to work.

Far away, on the other side of the globe, out on a roof top deck, in the exact center of everything, deep in the heartlands, R Z was winding up quite a tale, quite a tale indeed.  You had to be there to hear it in person, or you just woul not have believed it.

"Wow R Z," said Bill. "That is quite a story. And now everything is so clear. Everything just makes sense now.  And yes, you are right, we do have important work to do."

"That's right boys. So now my two fine fellow, you know what to do. So go do it."

"Yes sir. Right away sir."

And they set off to do that work.

Far away from the heartlands. Near the big city. Our old buddy, that Dude by the pool raking in the fist full of dollars sent from the future, gets a text on his smart phone.

From the nigerian prince of the future no less.  Marked URGENT!  The text was flashing, like the screen was too hot and it just wanted to get out, to get out into the world.

"Oh boy, said our friend, "that’s a big list of things to do. And some of them i am not going to like doing, not one bit, thats for sure. 
Oh well, an unbreakable bond is what is is. Not to mention the shimmers, don't want to even think about them, because they burn, god they burn, get them off of me..."

He paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. To be aware of the moment, the moment in time and space he was in.  The galaxy spinning in the universe. As it revolved around something.
He paused in the moment.  He steadied his breath. 
He thought about the rather curious and horrifying list of things he needed to do.

"Oh well. Got to get to work."

In the background, as he left to go do important things, an old movie played on the television. Old timey 'hold your horses, something important is about to happen' music began playing.  The camera changes focus, focuses on what is happening on that small screen.

"I’m headed up river."

"Why Kurtz, why?"

"Got to get to the headlands. Get to the source.  Got to find some cargo. Good stuff. Really high quality.

Cargo awaits us up river. Around the bend. Over the next hill. We’re going to hunt it down. Flush it out. Squeeze it good.  Get it to reveal it’s secrets."

"How are you going to get there?"

"I’m going to follow the data stream, follow it from here all the way to the Source. Figure out where all the information comes from. Tap in. Take a taste. Get some."

"But will they be waiting there?  I'm scared, very scared of that"

"Yes, most likely, yes they will. I reckon it’s where they like to live. All of that energy floating around to tap into. And a clear view of everything down stream."

"For gods sake, don't go.  Don't do it. 
Don't be a hero, to a new generation of consumers, waiting to consume. Think of them.  Think of what you will do to them.

But if you must go, well, stay safe Kurtz, stay safe.  Make sure to wear a mask.  And remember to wash your hands.  For at least 20 seconds.  It's longer than you think, make sure to count."

"I will old friend, i will.  Now i must leave.  To face the unknown.  On an adventure.  On an adventure of a lifetime.  Here on ABC."

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