Sunday, April 4, 2021

Fun Little Experiment Using Virtual Keyframe Sub-Nesting


Fun little experiment using the new virtual keyframe sub-nesting feature in Studio Artist V5.5.3.  I'm using a transition context with a single keyframe at the first frame position. I have a movie file key-framed there.

So the idea behind virtual keyframe sub-nesting is that Studio Artist can auto-generate virtual keyframes based off of that one manually specified keyframe (the movie file) at position 1.  And then the transition context does what it does, which is generate transition effects between keyframes (virtual keyframes in this situation). So you just saved yourself a ton of work, because you'd have to generate a folder of skip frame images, and then keyframe them all manually at the appropriate positions on the timeline to do what virtual keyframe sub-nesting does for you automatically.

Actually Studio Artist will auto-load a selection of multiple keyframes all in one shot, and then you can run a time line expand command to get there, but you still have to setup all of the skip frame images in a folder to do it the old fashioned way, so you probably never will do that.  But now you have no excuse not to experiment with it, since Studio Artist does all the work (notice a theme here we keep re-iterating in V5.5).

So i made a 2 step PASeq. Transition Context action step, followed by Vectorizer action step.  I ran it with no sub-nested virtual keyframes first for 120 frames, then sub-nested with a spacing of 4 frames, 8 frames, 12 frames.  I was using a linear fade transition algorithm for those.  Then i switched to a different transition algorithm, and bumped the spatial extent from 40 to 80 to 120 for the other 120 frame passes.

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